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Study of the Merits of Cooperative Farming in the Shadeville Community, Wakulla County, Florida
Study of the Service Provisions for the Negro Mentally Deficient in Florida
Study of the Tivoli High School Graduates During a Three Year Period 1951-1953
Survey Cover Letter Community (in ENGLISH)
Survey Cover Letter Community (in SPANISH)
Survey Cover Letter Student (in ENGLISH)
Survey of teacher's estimates of high intelligence in grades four, five, and six of Bond, Griffin, Lincoln, and Lucy Moten schools
Survey of the problems of elinquents and maladjusted children between the ages of 6 and 18 with suggested remedial services
Survey of the standardized testing programs in Negro schools of Florida and their implications for guidance
Survey of the Status of Preschool Education in the Negro Public Schools of Florida
Tallahassee bus protest
The Tallahassee bus protest (Field Reports on Desegretation in the South)
Tallahassee Civic Center impact area study
Tallahassee in view
Target Area II Group Meeting
Ten year study of the Social Welfare and Health Services Rendered to the People of Leon County by the Tallahassee Chapter of the American Red Cross
The Bulletin-Facilities Management Special Edition Vol. 1 No. 2.
The Civil Rights Movement in Florida and the United States
The Conference on the Education of Blacks in Florida: Educating blacks for the new millennium: Meeting the challenge. An analysis of selected low and high performing rural and urban schools
The Rattler Report
