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Public Secondary Education for Negroes in Florida
Proceedings of the ... annual conference of the Presidents of Negro Land Grant Colleges. (1937).
Public address of colored women
Educating blacks for the new millennium: Meeting the challenge : A challenge of facts
They came to college (the final report)
The Conference on the Education of Blacks in Florida: Educating blacks for the new millennium: Meeting the challenge. An analysis of selected low and high performing rural and urban schools
A Survey of the Standardized Testing Programs in Negro Schools of Florida and Their Implications for Guidance
Creating a meaningful existence : The origins of black female heathcare professionals in Florida
Quarterly journal , Vol. 9, No. 2, April 1940
Quarterly journal, Vol. 8, No. 4, October 1939
Quarterly journal, Vol. 8, No.2,  April 1939
Quarterly journal, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1940
Quarterly journal, Vol. 9, No. 3, July 1940
Quarterly journal, Vol. 9, No. 4, October 1940
Evaluation of the Negro elementary schools of Daytona Beach, Florida to determine the basis for a revision of the curricula
Florida's pioneer African American attorneys during the post-Cival War Era
Career paths of chief female African American administrators in Florida community colleges
Analysis of the Literature on the Education of the Negro Gifted Children from 1940-1950
Analysis of the Qualifications of the Principals of the Accredited Negro High Schools in Florida
Black College in an Age of Ferment : A collection of essays
