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Educating blacks for the new millennium: meeting the challenge : a challenge of facts
Table of Contents
- Front Cover
- Title Page
- Preface
- Acknowledgement
- Table of Contents
- The census 1990 data by race, gender, and age
- Florida population by race, gender, and age
- Florida first start: Summary of all 24 programs
- Profile of Florida school districts, 1997-98
- Florida student not promoted
- Dropouts by race and ethnicity graph
- In school/out of school suspensions
- Truants by race and gender
- Exceptional student membership by race and ethnicity
- Disciplinary actions/other special programs
- Exceptional student membership: Graphs
- Superintendents, principals, teachers: Graphs
- Florida statewide elementary/middle/high schools report card
- 1998 test results for elementary schools
- 1998 test results for middle schools
- 1998 achievement data and test results: Middle schools
- HSCT results: Communications
- HSCT results: Mathematics
- HSCT results: Both tests
- High school graduates
- Staff characteristics
- Ratios/number of schools/average principal-teacher's salaries
- Readiness for college: 1997-98
- African American enrollments in higher education
- Florida community college: Enrollment and completers
- Minority fall headcount enrollment
- Minority program completers
- Selected characteristics of universities
- Admissions data: State university system, 1995-98
- Student headcount data: Fall 1997
- Retention and graduation rates: First time in college, SUS
- Retention and graduation rates: First time in college, FAMU
- Baccalaureate degrees granted
- Master's degrees granted
- Doctoral degrees granted
- First professional degrees granted
- Interesting facts
- Bibliography
- Selected internet references